Hello and nice to meet you! We're JustEdu, an education centre dedicated to bringing fun back to learning. We believe in teaching from the heart to nurture passion in the young, and that's where we shine.
Our humble beginning started in 1999, back when we were known as Just Education! In fact, we went from a single centre in Jurong East to an island-wide institution with 11 learning centres in the heartlands of Singapore, staffed by a group of passionate teachers who believe in providing the best education for your child.
Thanks to the positive word of mouth from satisfied students and parents through the decades, we've grown into what we are today - a centre of students of all ages. Whether your child is in primary school or junior college, they'll be inspired to perform throughout their education journey.

Desmond Peh
Corporate Strategic Officer

We aim high and dream big. We've expanded into Malaysia and Hong Kong, bringing the total number of centres worldwide to an impressive 10, including 5 in Singapore.

Bukit Gombak


Pasir Ris
Over 8,000 students benefit from our tuition services every year. In fact, we've diversified our portfolio to include publications, preschool education, and edutainment to keep up with the demand from our students and their parents.
But life isn't just about studying, and some students learn better outside the classroom. As guides for the next generation, we believe that a holistic education will lead to well-rounded lifelong learners. That's why we provide fun enrichment programmes that help children to develop life skills, such as memory improvement and creativity exercises - we impart more than just knowledge.
Our teachers are the reason for our success. They teach from their hearts, supported by a robust curriculum and refined teaching methodology in order to cement the learning process for students

"Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the world."
- Nelson Mandela
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Come find out what others are saying about JustEdu in this section. We've got selected media-relevant information about us in the various articles below!
However, if you would like to interview or find out more about us, do drop us a line at
5th November 2015. Kwong Wah Yit Poh:
畅游狮城 不可错过的6景点
烦恼着学校假期要带孩子去哪里玩,但是又不想到太远的国家? 那不妨考虑前往邻国 - 新加波,和家人享受天伦之乐。
28 October 2015,Guang Ming Daily
用魔术教学 数学活了
所谓 “万事起头难” , 学生每次学习掌握新知识时, 若没有获得良好的引导,不知道学习的明确方向,最终便会失去兴趣。因此我们才说,好的开始就是成功的一半,老师教学时,能以有趣的开场,引起学生的学习动机......
15 December 2014,
Learning Magic Just Education
Having heard that Just Education is a learning centre with, more than, a hint of magic, we had to go along to find out more. Just Education is not your average tuition or enrichment centre, that's for sure!
20 November 2014,
Life-long Learning is Powerful Magic
Learning centre founded by professional magician with Maths degree teaches Maths and Science through magic. Unique life-coaching workshops empower students with competitive edge over peers.